Work at Home and Make $50 to $1,000 an Hour
Now I know what you’re thinking: earning 1,000 dollars per hour is just hype for a sensational headline.
But the truth is that this sort of hourly wage is very attainable with internet marketing.
Let me give you a real world example:
At one point my flagship website was earning about $2,000 dollars each month. It made this level of earnings for about a year and it had built up to this level making $1,000 for about a year and $600 for about a year before that.
Total earnings from advertising was approximately $40,000 while I was growing the site.
Eventually I sold the site for $200,000 dollars.
The site had about 1 million words and took approximately 250 hours to create (since I publish about 4,000 words per hour).
This equates to an hourly wage of $960 dollars per hour.
Now in all truth, I spent a LOT more than just 250 hours working on the site.
But you know what? Most of that effort was completely wasted.
For example, I spent plenty of time tweaking the theme and appearance of the website. All wasted effort, in my opinion.
At the time, I thought I was making important design decisions. Now I realize that this was not really true, it was just a useful distraction that kept me from producing more content.
Now that I know what I am doing (in terms of building authority websites) I will not waste nearly as much time when I go to build up my next project. This time, I will spend 99 percent of my time creating amazingly good content. The other 1 percent of the time will be spent managing an outsourced link building campaign (I hate building links myself).
Of course, the tough part about all of this is that you don’t get to see most of the money until the very end. I spent 4 years or so working on this flagship website and saw very little income for the first 3 years. I would say that after 2 years it was making a part time income and after 3.5 years it was making a solid full time income. And of course, after 4 years, I sold it off for a very nice chunk of change.
I also do freelance work from home. When I do this, I do not take on new work unless it makes $50 an hour or more. Making less than this per hour does not make much sense, given that I could be making much higher earnings working on my own websites.
Of course, you still have to eat! And if you do not have a passive income stream yet, then you might do well to write some freelance articles for quick cash. The bonus in doing this is that you will also learn more about SEO and what it is that internet marketers want in their articles. You can then use this knowledge to build up your own website.
Work for free and get paid later
If you want to set up a passive income stream then you have to spend a great deal of time working for free.
This is likely to be true of almost all businesses. You don’t just open up shop and start turning a huge profit on day one. If you can do that then you likely have a very rare and unique idea that is easily monetized. Most people will not be so lucky, and they will have to slowly build up wealth and continue to refine their business offering until they are profitable. If they are really lucky then they can even hire others to manage their business and remove themselves entirely from the equation (ala the 4 hour work week).
With internet marketing and building an authority website, the strategy is similar to this. If you follow the basic plan for building up a huge website, you are going to see very little income for the first year or two. After that, income should rise sharply as you suddenly have age, link juice, quality content, and more measure of authority than what you had two years ago.
The tough part is the 2 year build up time, when you make very little money and the income just slowly trickles in.
For example, I can remember when I was getting about 100 unique visits per day, and some days I would make 5 or even ten dollars with my ads, and on other days I would make nothing. Not a single penny.
And then I would have a few days in a row where I would make decent money each day, and even have a record high of like 14 dollars in one day, and then I would say to myself “well, this is it! I have crossed a line, and now my site is a regular earner!”
Then the next day…..nothing. Back to zero again.
You have to have the mental and emotional toughness to deal with this sort of roller coaster for at least a year or two. Unless you are working almost full time on your website, it is likely going to take at least that long before your site starts earning a regular income every day. Fluctuations are a normal part of the growth process. Everyone experiences this and everyone complains about it, because it is so incredibly frustrating.
So yeah, you can create semi-passive income and have this great business that gives you a ton of financial freedom, but you have to work for free for about 2 years in order to get there.
Are you willing to do that? Most people are not.
Your hourly wage with an authority website
So when I first started my website, the hourly wage was zero. I was making no money at all and in fact I was devoting huge amounts of time to building up a website that–for all I knew–might never make a single penny in income.
For the first year my pay was close to zero dollars per hour.
During the second and third year my hourly “wage” from working on the website was starting to rise quickly. I was generally working on the website between zero and 15 hours a week, yet it was producing between $600 and $1,200 dollars per month in income.
After the third year my hourly wage really took off. I was earning over $2,000 per month from my website, and it did not matter how much I worked on it. I would go for entire months without producing any new articles, and the money kept rolling in.
Because I had built an authority website, I now had a powerful platform from which to generate additional income. For example, if I was to write 3 new articles each day for a month, those articles would likely earn me an additional $50 to $200 per month in additional earnings going forward. Therefore, even though I had already accumulated a healthy “wage” from my business, I continued to add new articles on a regular basis.
Once you have an authority website, it is very easy to raise the income level by adding more content. This is because you have already gained the trust of Google. When you start a new website, you have to slowly build up that trust with Google by waiting for a few years while building lots of backlinks.
After you have built this authority for your site and fought your way to create a healthy backlink profile, that is when you can really start to increase your income by pouring on more quality content. Target new keywords with each article that you write and let your existing authority and link juice carry you to a higher monthly income.
Ultimate freedom
The real question when considering working at home for $50 dollars and up per hour is this: “Can I really hit these sort of numbers?”
Because if you can hit those numbers consistently then you definitely can achieve the ultimate freedom.
I currently work from home and do a mix of freelance work and also building up my own flagship websites. I also sold off my most successful website and let the money from that sale earn interest for me.
My current schedule is…..not really a schedule at all!
I wake up and do whatever work is available for me. Typically I put in 2 hours per day of actual focused writing on the PC.
When I get freelance work at $50/hour, I usually try to put in 4 hour days until I have all of the work completed.
When I run out of freelance work, I simply shift back to building up quality content on my flagship websites. I know that the work that I put in on my authority websites will eventually pay off down the road at a very high hourly rate. It’s work now, money later.
Because I already built one authority website up and sold it for a tidy sum, the amount of work that I have to do is now greatly reduced. If I practice extreme frugality I can even live off of interest without doing any work at all.
But that is not an exciting path for me, and I prefer to keep working and building more successful businesses. I would say my mindset has shifted though, at this point.
I am no longer trying to scrape the internet for pennies or just squeeze a buck out of people. Now it is about creating amazingly good websites that are oozing with quality. I know the payoff will come eventually based on super high quality content. I am not focused on promotion and marketing like I used to be. Now it is all about creating a truly useful and amazing resource for people. I am no longer under time pressure to create fast income so I can take my time and really build things properly.
This site is a good example of that. If you take a look around you will see that the quality and depth of information that I provide is at least “above average” when compared to other similar pages on the internet.
If you want to experience this ultimate freedom then I highly recommend that you start taking action. I would start by following this simple guide to building an authority website, and you might also take a look at how to become your own boss.
People used to laugh at me when I told them that my dream was to work from home in my slippers. But my dream became a reality when I slowly built up a website–just one website–and then sold it off for $200,000 dollars. Now I am building another such website that will earn me a full time income as well.
Hitting these kind of numbers is not impossible but it does take some effort.
How bad do you want your freedom?
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