الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

SEOprofiler offers several great link building tools:

SEOprofiler offers several great link building tools:
  1. Improve the existing backlinks of your site
The fastest way to improve the backlink structure of your website is to improve the existing backlinks of your site. The "Current Links Optimizer" tool in SEOprofiler helps you to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible.
SEOprofiler > Your project > Get backlinks > Current links
  1. Benefit from the backlinks of your competitors
Websites that link to your competitors are websites that could also link to your site. The "Competitor backlinks" tool shows you the websites that are likely to link to your site.
You get easy link targets, the links with the highest influence and the most important links of your competitors:
SEOprofiler > Your project > Get backlinks > Competitor links
  1. Get backlinks that contain the right anchor text
If you want to get high rankings for a particular keyword, you need many backlinks that contain the keyword in the anchor text. The "Keyword backlinks" tool shows you which web pages are willing to link to other sites with your keywords:
SEOprofiler > Your project > Get backlinks > Keyword links
  1. Find hub sites that put your website into the right context
Use the "Hub Finder" tool to find websites that link to at least two of your competitors. It is very likely that websites that link to more than one of your competitors will also link to your site.
SEOprofiler > Your project > Get backlinks > Hub finder
  1. Manage your backlinks with the easy-to-use backlink manager
Use the backlink manager in SEOprofiler to keep track of your link building activities. The link manager is integrated with all link building tools in SEOprofiler and it offers many powerful features that make it as easy and efficient as possible to get new links.
For example, you get detailed contact information for any website, you see the status of each backlink and much more. You can also add pages while surfing the web.

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